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Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Duties Of A Social Worker Social Work Essay
The Duties Of A Social Worker Social Work Essay The beginnings of community care date back the Griffiths Report in 1988, particular Community Care: Agenda for Action and the government White Paper Caring for People. (Guthrie; 2011) The papers emphasised choice, independence and involvement service users and carers. A series of shifting strategies and priorities developed such as; move from institutionalisation to promote independent living within community, from service led to needs led provision. (Petch; 2008) In 1990, the NHS and Community Care Act (NHSCCA1990) was introduced that draws attention to the term care in the community which for many service providers opened door to market of services, leading to privatisation and managerialism. (Ferguson Woodward; 2009) Although community care was introduced by the NHSCCA1990, this operated in Scotland to amend the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 (SW(S)A1968). The addition of section S12(a) into the SW(S)A1968 created a duty to assess the needs of the individual who may require serv ices. Potentially the statutory legislation that could be used in the case of Mrs. Sheerer are; Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003, (MH(CT)(S)A2003), Adults with Incapacity Act 2000 (AWI(S)A2000), mentioned above SW(S)A1968 amended under section 13(za) and Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 (ASP(S)A2007). (Mackay; 2008) It seems to be very unlikely to use MH(CT)(S)A2003 because there are no clear evidence that Mrs. Sheerer suffer a mental disorder, defines as; a mental illness, personality disorder or learning disability which is caused or manifested S328(1) of MH(CT)(S)A2003. She also based on information provided, does not appear to put herself or others on significant risk and her decision making is not obviously impaired. It is worth noting that the act is very controversial due to impact of stigma, coercion and breaching of human rights. The AWI(S)A2000 could be used on the grounds that Mrs. Sheerer is deemed to lack capacity to make decision in relation to her future care needs, S1(6) of AWI(S)A2000 states incapable means incapable of making decision and this seems to be relevant to the case. It is important to note based on legislation that if Mrs. Sheerer is unable to make decision in some areas, she is likely to take decisions in others. In Scottish law, there must be clear evidence that a person lack of capacity before any action will be permitted. (Scottish Government; 2008) However, in England and Wales the same rule is statutory, the adult must be assumed to have capacity unless proven otherwise as stated in S1 of Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA2005). It may be questioned if Mrs. Sheerer actually lack of capacity, based on single SMART test in hospital condition. Hospital could exacerbate confusion, as a result of unfamiliarity, lack of sleep, medication or pain. When intervening in Mrs. Sheerer live, the princ iples defines in S1 of AWI(S)A2000 must be taken into account such as; intervention will benefit the adult and will be least restrictive option in relation to the freedom of Mrs Sheerer. Account shall be taken of the present and past wishes and feeling of service user and the views of other relevant people. It is worth noting that principle three only requires views are taken into account but it does not mean they are given effect to. The principle four of the AWI(S)A2000, to promote the participation in decision making, is slightly different in England and Wales, where decisions being taken in the best interest of and adults according to S1(5) of MCA2005. It is important to check if Mrs. Sheerer did not take advantage of the options such as; negotiorum gestio, which allow the authorised person to act on the behalf of an incapable adult, attorneys or guardians to take decision on behalf of an adult. An attorney is appointed by the person before lost of capacity, at the presence of t he solicitor whereas, a guardian is appointed by the sheriff court. (Guthrie; 2011) Application for a guardianship order when Mrs. Sheerer is in hospital ready to discharge, could cause unnecessary process known as delayed discharge code 51X. (Scottish Government, 2010) The delays in guardianship order could be caused, by difficulties in obtaining legal aid by relatives. If social worker felt the delay in discharge result in negative consequences for Mrs. Sheerer, it would be considered taking over the guardianship application. To apply a guardian Mrs. Sheerer according to S57 of AWI(S)A2000 must be incapable and it must be likely that incapacity will continue. Therefore, the application for the guardian could be irrelevant in a situation of Mrs. Sheerer because there are no evidences of continuity of incapacity and the current state can only be temporary. If Mrs. Sheerer was not able to make decision, only for a short period of time, regarding her welfare or finance, where decision had to be made quickly, a social worker of behalf of local authority has duty to apply for an intervention order under S53 of AWI(S)A2000. Potentially AWI(S)A2000 could be used to imposed care at home or residential care to Mrs. Sheerer. Assuming that Mrs. Sheerer does not have appointees and lack of capacity to make decision about future care needs, it would has to be considered if the application for an order under the AWI(S)A2000 is necessary or alternatively use the power of the SW(S)A1968 amended under section 13(za). This section, give social worker a power to provide community care services that has been assessed as needed to Mrs. Sheerer due to incapability to consent receiving such services. In accordance with S13(za) of SW(S)A1968 Mrs. Sheerer could be move to care home or agree with proposed care intervention. Before using any of those two acts, the issues to discuss are; adoption of principles, deprivation of liberty, assessment of needs and risk as well as financial arrangements. The last but not least legal option to consider is ASP(S)A2007, the act refers to the law that concerns not only protection but providing support to promote independence and welfare of service user. Mrs. Sheerer meets two condition of the act to be applied such as; she is at risk and may need protection of well-being, due to her lack of capacity, poor nutrition as well as risk of falls. The ASP(S)A2007 gives social worker working on behalf of local authority duty to investigate and assess Mrs. Sheerer. Most of assessments are undertaken on a voluntary basis but the act gives power to assess without consent of service user and is known as the first of three protection orders. (Mackay: 2008a) The act also established a duty to cooperate between agencies and creates multi-disciplinary Adults Protection Committees to implement, monitor and support the work. One could envisage that the use of ASP(S)A2007 seems to be the most appropriate option because is the less restrictive according to Mackay (2008) pyramid of statutory intervention. What is more, the act itself does not stigmatise, the least breach human right or freedom. It will give social worker time to get know and build better relationship with Mrs. Sheers. Consequently, it will result in having more information and better picture of situation. When using ASP(S)A2007 one assume Mrs. Sheerers situation could be caused by experiencing some difficulties in her life or even suffer distress such as bereavement, lost or abuse. The intervention in Mrs. Sheerer live will depend on many factors to be discussed; service users opinion, adaptability of house to current needs, the condition of house and accessibility, opinions of other professional and relatives. One might expect that Mrs Sheerer, regardless of age but due to femur fracture will require intense home care services or adaptatio n of the house such as; raised toilet seat, grab or lifting handles, community alarm, hospital bed or others. The application of the above will be possible under S13(za) of SW(S)1968 envisaging that Mrs. Sheerer expresses consent to such services to be provided. Social worker has duty to assess the needs of Mrs. Sheerer under ASP(S)2007 but the consent to provide services is needed to use S13(za) of SW(S)A1968. Otherwise, social worker could take action under AWIA(S)2000. The principles of these acts required to take the view of Mrs. Sheerer and carers if involved, into account when deciding what services to provide, this is also in accordance with Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002 (CCH(S)A2002) amended under S12(a) of the SW(S)A1968. It is worth pointing out that Mrs. Sheerer was nutritionally compromise but had home care services and limited family intervention. This raises the questions of why it was not noticed, how adequate is the result of SMART test in hospital co nditions and how this had affected Mrs. Sheerer. There are a lot of speculations and factors to consider but taking into account the limited information that were given and assuming social worker investigates this case for the first time, it seems be discriminative to use other legislation. One must remember that legislative context of intervention, mainly, is driven by the relationship between social worker and service user, which is a core element to success intervention in social work. It is an important source of information to understand the reality behind the situation and how best to help. Wilson et al. (2008: p.7) referring to relationship-based practice called it the medium through which social worker can engage with and intervene in the complexity of internal and external world of service user. This part of the essay examines responsibilities, rights and role of people involved. The legislation gives the social worker acting on behalf of local authority a general responsibility to promote well being, to minimise the effect of intervention and give an adult the opportunity to lead as normal live as possible. Local authority is responsible for assessing needs for community care services, arranging and providing these services as well as cooperation with other professionals such as; occupational therapist, housing officers, GPs. This is according to the integration agenda between health and social care services. (Age Scotland, 2011) Social worker has statutory duties underpinned not only by the law but also professional codes and values. Expectation of social work profession is presented in code of ethics issued by British Association of Social Workers (BASW) and code of practice represented by Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC). Social work values grew on the idea of respect for the equality, worth and dignity of all people. Human rights and social justice are at the heart of social work intervention. The five principles indicates by BASW (2012) regarding human rights are; to promote and respect well being, support people to make own choices and decisions, promote involvement, participation and empowerment of people using services, treating each person as a whole to recognise all aspects of service users life, identifying and developing strengths. While, code of practice (SSSC; 2007) requires; to protect the right and promote the interest of service user, maintain the trust and confidence, promote independ ence while protecting from harm and danger, respect the rights of service user. The Scottish Parliament and public authorities are required to uphold the European Convention of Human Rights, incorporated into the UK law through Human Rights Act 1998. (Johns; 2008) It can be in some cases that the law can breach human rights. Therefore, in relation to Mrs. Sheerer social worker most of all has to respect, Mrs. Sheerers right to liberty and security, the article five established three conditions to be met before it will be breached such as certified mental disorder within significant degree and persistency. Article eight states that Mrs. Sheerer has the right to privacy, family life, home and correspondence. (Johns, 2008) She also has the right to access a solicitor or advocacy included under S6 of ASP(S)A2007. The role of social worker will be to ensure Mrs. Sheerer understand legal processes and if she is aware of her rights. The legislation framework is complex, consequently; information given must make sense and be understandable for service user, the role of social worker is to take time to explain and answer questions. Social worker must use appropriate and effective method of communication and skills to understand and to be understood. The aim is to support Mrs. Sheerer to make informed choices as far as possible. Social worker must ensure that Mrs. Sheerers views are heard and she understands a situation. There are six core roles of social worker such as; case worker, advocate, partner, assessor of risk and needs, care manger, agent of social control. The above roles are affected by changes in wider social context, welfare policy and ideology like for example demographic changes, communications technologies, consumerism etc. (Scottish Government; 2005) Social worker role is to work together with Mrs. Sheerer to assist her to address personal issues, provide information and advocacy. Provide services to meet the needs of service user and not to try to fix Mrs. Sheerer to services available. This part of the essay attempts to show the prospects of anti-discrimination, participation and empowerment in social work. Social worker is obligated by law, values and ethics to support and work with service user in anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory way. Knowledge and understanding of professional codes such as; BASW and SSSC is crucial in being aware of anti-discriminatory practice in social work by defining rights and responsibilities. The anti-discriminatory trends in social work values and practice are deeply rooted in radical social work that aims to work towards a society based on equality, justice and involvement. According to the maxim popularised by Marx from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. (Doel; 2012, p. 27) Social justice is still a basic value in social work practice. Dalrymple and Burke (2006) refer to emancipator issues that driven contemporary social work such as social justice, empowerment, partnership and minimal intervention. Participation is a key element in the development of anti-discriminatory practice. Wilson (2008) refers to involvement of service user in social work practice based on partnership and empowerment. The term partnership is used to refer to practice, based on working with service users, towards together agreed goals, rather than doing things for them. (Thomson, 2011) Dalrymple and Burke (2006) defined partnership as process of information sharing and involvement in decision-making. Taking the above into account social worker have to involve Mrs. Sheerer in the process of decision making and intervention such as defining needs, decide how best to help, implementing, agreeing and evaluating. Empowerment is not simply a matter of facilitating or enabling. It also involves taking account of the disadvantage and oppression that are so characteristic of the service user day to day experiences. (Thompson, 2008) Work in anti-discriminatory way means to see Mrs. Sheerer within her wide social c ontext include environmental, societal and cultural factors such as race, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability and so on. The last section of the essay assesses social policy that inform legislative context of this case. It is seems to be clear that social worker needs to work in integration with other professionals within all aspects of assessment and intervention process. The legislation defines responsibilities in social work but social policies outline a plan of action, a set of rules that guide practice. The first significant policy in terms of promoting partnership working across health, housing and social care is Joint Future 2000. This is a unique partnership between the Scottish Executive, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (CoSLA) and NHS Scotland that focus on to improve joint working through financing join services, management and resources. A key component of Joint Future has been development of Single Shared Assessment (SSA) that aims to shorten and improve flow of information between professionals and agencies, avoid duplication, provide faster access to support with less bureaucracy. (Age Scotland, 2012) The policy Changing Lives 2006 has concerned on anti-discrimination, to do not look at service user in the context of vulnerability but to focus on strength and building true relationship. The aim set out through report were promoting participation; taking a whole-person approach; understanding each individual in the context of family and community. (Scottish Government; 2006) The another policy that seems to be important in relation to scenario, with the assumption of that Mrs Sheerer is an older person because the policy aims mainly to older people, is All our Future. It supports older people to stay at home as long as possible by providing free personal care, telecare development programme, care and repair, travel scheme; free bus travel etc.. (Scottish Executive; 2007) It is noteworthy that Mrs. Sheerer may be entitled to free personal care that was introduced by the Sutherland report and statutory implemented through the CCH(S)A2002. (Guthrie; 2011) In Scotland every person over 60 years is entitled to free personal care in other cases it will depend on needs, priority and categories of risk. The policy Reshaping Care for Older People (SCSWIS; 2011) focuses on the 3Rs rehabilitation, re-ablement and recovery to optimise the independence of people at home. The reablement is a new service, initially aims at people coming out of hospital. In Glasgow it i s a partnership between Social Work Services, Cordia, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. If Mrs. Sheerer lives in the area, she will be provided with services up to six weeks, the reablement aims to build confidence by helping to regain the skills to do what Mrs. Sheerer can and want to do for herself at home.(Glasgow City Council: 2011) Recent consultation on integration agenda sets out proposal to inform and modify the way that the NHS and Local Authorities collaborate, and work in partnership with the third and independent sectors. This includes integrated budget and joint accountability. The proposal extends the services provision to all adults and not only older people, so the speculations regarding the age of Mrs. Sheerer would not be needed. The Integration of Adult Health and Social Care Bill plans to create Health and Social Care Partnerships, which will replace Community Health Partnerships and will be the joint and equal responsibility of Health Boards and Local Authorities. (Scottish Government; 2012) Ineffective partnership between health and social services is a real dilemma of contemporary social work practice. On the one hand, the problem is finance and the eternal question; who are going to pay for services? On the other, the issue of finding appropriate resources that will meet the needs of Mrs. She erer, both processes are time consuming. Consequently, Mrs. Sheerer can be detained in hospital longer that necessary that can affect her emotional and physical condition, which usually will deteriorate. Other issues are; blocked bed and retained the flow of a new patient. One strongly believe that new integration agenda of health and social care such as one budget and consolidated partnership will make a difference in new social services. The new social policies and legislation present a wide range of possible options and choices such as; personalised services and self-directed support. It this week government has been discussing the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill (SDS Bill) that has been passed stage three on 28th of November 2012. (Scottish Parliament, 2012) What that means for social work today is a shift from service led to outcome led provision, The Talking Points: Personal Outcomes Approach promoted by the Joint Improvement Team will change the process of assessment of needs that now will be more focus on targets. Based on SDS Bill social worker will have a duty to offer; direct payment to Mrs. Sheerer in order that she will arrange her support; can make arrangement for services that have been chosen by Mrs. Sheerer or can select appropriate support and make arrangement. (IRISS; 2012) One could seriously question if Mrs. Sheerer will have skills and knowledge to manage these variety of options such as; possibility to employ own carers or buy own services, if she have not done before. It seems to be clear that the role of social worker will have change form procedural care management towards support and brokerage. To sum up, contemporary social work practice drifting away from paternalism to seeing service users as experts of own life an illustration of this is work in partnerships, service user involvement or SDS. There is no doubt that relationship between social worker and Mrs. Sheer is a key in the process of intervention. It is significant to talk to and listen to service user. The more time spend, the more social worker will understand Mrs. Sheerer within wider social context. One must remember that when intervening in someones life taking no action is an action, otherwise the option of minimal intervention or less restrictive option must be put in place.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
School Uniforms
Why School Uniforms? School uniforms are widely used in public schools. Despite disagreements among parents, students, and the school districts, school officials cite many reasons for students to wear school uniforms. Those reasons usually include the following: the uniforms are cheaper for parents, students wearing the same clothes decreases school fights, and students can receive a better education in the secure environment uniforms creates. Some students and parents disagree because wearing uniforms is not pleasing to them and does not alleviate traditional school problems.It makes students depressed because they cannot express themselves, they are forced to look like others, and it takes the fun out of school. What really happens when students are all dressed the same? Studentsââ¬â¢ creativity is hindered, and they are unable to show their individuality. Students should be able to express themselves through their clothes and not be forced to wear uniforms. Clothes are an expre ssion of a studentââ¬â¢s personality. By suppressing their opportunity to show their unique personalities, schools are teaching that uniformity is more valuable than individuality. School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that conformity is important and creativity is notâ⬠(youdebate. com). Geeks, for example, might express themselves by wearing thick glasses, suspenders and long socks. On the other hand, outgoing students might wear vibrant colors and outlandish fashion. Then, there are shy children, who might choose to wear long clothing and mostly black. These are just a few examples of students dressing according to certain categories with which they might identify themselves.The possibilities of individually expressing oneself through clothes are infinite. However, uniforms stifle these possibilities; they keep students from expressing their personality. Uniforms also can cause an undo financial burden. Parents have to buy uniforms for when students are in school and street clothes for when they are not. Angelfire. com says uniforms ultimately cost more. Students change into street clothes after school, and they wear them on weekends. During summer months, students will revert to traditional street clothes.Additionally, students will prefer designer street clothes when not in school. Therefore, parents purchase two sets of clothing, and many families cannot afford this. It is cheaper for the parents to buy only regular street clothes. Despite claims uniforms are worth a little extra money to eliminate issues such as bullying and social cliques, putting children in uniforms does not resolve social issues in school. It only treats the symptoms. ââ¬Å"Cliques will still form,â⬠and students will still make judgments on each other based on hair styles, height, weight, and odor (www. angelfire. com).The only true way to resolve such problems is to teach tolerance and appreciation of diversity. Instead of forcing students to we ar uniforms, educators should teach students how to respect and accept each other, despite their differences in body type, fashion, hair style, color, or any other thing that might otherwise divide the student body. This would bring an end to many social problems that develop in schools and also make students more productive members of society when they finish school. While schools hail uniforms as making school safer, it could cause a safety problem in the event of a security breech.In an event of an emergency, it will be hard to identify a certain student because they will all be dressed the same. Randy from youdebate. com states the following: ââ¬Å"I am totally against school uniforms! One reason, of many, is safety of the students. For example: During a natural disaster (God Forbid) Earthquake, Tornado, etc,â⬠¦ How would a parent i. d. their child? By the clothes that they are wearing, when they left home. What if a senior decided to attack a 9th or 10th grade student. How would the victim describe the attacker? Letââ¬â¢s see, Khaki Pants- Navy Blue Shirt- Brown Shoes. You get the picture.This was, is and will ALWAYS BE A VERY BAD idea. â⬠No school can prevent 100 percent of security breeches. ââ¬Å"It is impossible to prevent all outside intrusionâ⬠(angelfire. com). However, uniforms can make it easier for outsiders to enter a school campus. If an outsider is dressed in the traditional school uniform, teachers and administrators might overlook them as a member of the student body. Uniforms are touted as a solution to security problems when they actually can add to the problem. Schools have no valid reasons to put students in uniforms, and commonly cited reasons for uniforms are invalid.While proponents of uniforms argue they resolve social problems, they can contribute to social problems in that they take away studentsââ¬â¢ ability to express their individuality through clothing. Encouraging such conformity over individuality duri ng school years is a mistake. Also, parents have to shoulder the financial burden of buying uniforms in addition to street clothes, which they will also have to purchase. School districts may tout uniforms as a safer alternative to students wearing street clothes, but the uniformity can make it easier for outsiders to infiltrate the school and also can cause confusion in the event of an emergency.School districts present an impressive argument for school uniforms, saying they can decrease bullying, save parents money and heighten security. However, when the facts are considered, these arguments do not hold true. Preserving parentsââ¬â¢ pocket books and studentsââ¬â¢ right to self expression by allowing them to wear street clothes to school and teaching tolerance are a much better alternative to the conformity and expense of school uniforms.Works Cited ââ¬Å"School Uniform Debate and Poll. â⬠7 Sept 2010. www. youdebate. com. WEB. ââ¬Å"Arguments about Uniforms. â⬠7 Sept 2010. www. angelfire. com . WEB. School Uniforms Is it better to let things continue in their horrible condition or change them for the better? The issue of school uniforms has been argued for decades with many different ideas and no final conclusion. However, school uniforms would reduce some major problems such as the school districtââ¬â¢s budget problem, school bullying, and gang-related violence. The addition of school uniforms would benefit the school of San Jacinto High School. Californiaââ¬â¢s bad economy affects the school district and everyone in it.Hundreds of dollars are wasted, when parents and students buy school clothes, it would be better to buy more affordable school uniform. Many people fall deeply into debt because they overspend on clothes, but if school uniforms were made available, that problem would be eliminated. The uniforms could also be passed down from sibling to sibling if needed. Right now, the school is not even able to give teachers enough paper, it would benefit them to sell school uniforms to make some money.So why not just make school uniforms mandatory and save tons of money? Another problem that school uniforms would eliminate is bullying based on appearance. Every day someone is discriminated due to what clothes they wear. Some people can afford to spend money on nice clothes and some cannot, but people should not be harassed for it. Everyone wearing the same clothes would promote equality, something that schools desperately need at the moment. With fashion out of the way students could better concentrate on their studies.While school uniforms may reduce individuality, in the long run it would benefit those on the receiving end of bullying. Perhaps the best outcomes school uniforms would create is that of gang violence. Gangs usually identify themselves and other gangs by what they wear. However, if everyone happened to be wearing the same thing, it would be harder for gang fights to take place. In 1994, Californiaââ¬â¢s Long Beach Unified School District started requiring the use of school uniforms. In the following decade, gang violence and school crime in that area had dramatically reduced by 76%.To cap it all school attendance had even reached its highest point. More schools should follow their example and end school crime. The school district is now one step away from greatly improving school life for everyone. All in all school uniforms would greatly benefit the school district and everyone in it. Saving money, stopping bullying, and getting rid of gang violence and inappropriate clothing are definitely things the school needs right now. So donââ¬â¢t just stand there, make your voices heard and support school uniforms! School Uniforms ââ¬Å"School uniforms are one step that may help the cycle of violence, truancy and disorder by helping young students understand what really counts is what kind of people they are. â⬠This quote was made by former president Bill Clinton. In the article ââ¬ËShould kids wear school uniforms? ââ¬â¢, talks about how school uniforms can benefit students and how some think school uniforms are irrelevant. There are many benefits of wearing school uniforms; they increase studentsââ¬â¢ self-esteem, improve discipline, and save families time and money.School uniforms can increase a studentââ¬â¢s self-esteem, which veers attention upon learning and away from such distractions as fashion competition and gang intimidation. With a student having confidence of what they are wearing improves behavior and increases school attendance. It is also more economical and convenient way to avoid discrimination and teasing within the school for who dress better or worse. A child who is not able to use higher-quality clothing will not feel different or inferior to others. The uniform, as the name says, unifying models and styles and can even encourage self-esteem and help everyone feel equal.Dress affects attitude and behavior. Children generally act the way they are dressed. Children with uniforms come to school to work. School is then seen as a workplace for teaching and learning. It is not seen as a battleground, playground, or fashion stage. On the other hand, some argue and say it violates the right to freedom of expression and does not create diversity. Uniforms restrict learners are that ââ¬Å"without the outlet of expression in their clothes, students may turn to inappropriate hair styles, jewelry, or makeupâ⬠(Public School Uniforms).So by restricting students of their clothing choice, they will still find a way to show their personality in their hair, jewelry, and hairstyles. Although a uniform can get boring with the same clothes and same color every d ay, uniforms have proven to lower hostility in many schools. Uniforms have reduced tardiness, skipped classes, suspensions, and discipline referrals. According to the Public School Review, in the Long Beach school district within one year of launching uniforms, fights and muggings had seriously dwindled by fifty percent. While committed sexual offenses were massively diminished as well by a vast seventy-four percent.Uniforms reduce violence is that if an outsider were to enter a school, the intruder would be spotted immediately, as teachers and police would arrive to dispose of the stranger that might be a harm to the students. One may argue and say school uniforms merely put a Band-Aid on the problem of school violence and fail to address the real issues behind it. Also, it wonââ¬â¢t matter what you are wearing, people are still going to be judged and bullied. Most bullies believe they can have power over a weaker, smaller, younger, and less confident person.Bullies will be ther e regardless of fashion. School uniforms are a bargain. They are becoming far less expensive than many other clothes. Schools argue that school uniforms are economical, especially compared to designer clothing, and parents agree given school uniform durability. Some say school uniforms last longer because they are made for repeated wash and wear. Many schools capitalize on this by starting used school uniform stores or swap meets. Parents can get used school uniforms at discount prices, or just use them as hand-me-downs between siblings.Many will argue with this. Some will say that uniforms can cost more than regular, everyday clothing. Also, uniforms can be uncomfortable to wear outside of school. Meaning, parents have to buy separate clothes for outside of school. By having to buy two different wardrobes costs families more money and time. All in all, while children believe that the school is trying to control their freedom of speech by enforcing uniforms, a school is not a fashio n show. It is there to educate children and help them get into a college and a worthwhile future career. School Uniforms Why School Uniforms? School uniforms are widely used in public schools. Despite disagreements among parents, students, and the school districts, school officials cite many reasons for students to wear school uniforms. Those reasons usually include the following: the uniforms are cheaper for parents, students wearing the same clothes decreases school fights, and students can receive a better education in the secure environment uniforms creates. Some students and parents disagree because wearing uniforms is not pleasing to them and does not alleviate traditional school problems.It makes students depressed because they cannot express themselves, they are forced to look like others, and it takes the fun out of school. What really happens when students are all dressed the same? Studentsââ¬â¢ creativity is hindered, and they are unable to show their individuality. Students should be able to express themselves through their clothes and not be forced to wear uniforms. Clothes are an expre ssion of a studentââ¬â¢s personality. By suppressing their opportunity to show their unique personalities, schools are teaching that uniformity is more valuable than individuality. School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that conformity is important and creativity is notâ⬠(youdebate. com). Geeks, for example, might express themselves by wearing thick glasses, suspenders and long socks. On the other hand, outgoing students might wear vibrant colors and outlandish fashion. Then, there are shy children, who might choose to wear long clothing and mostly black. These are just a few examples of students dressing according to certain categories with which they might identify themselves.The possibilities of individually expressing oneself through clothes are infinite. However, uniforms stifle these possibilities; they keep students from expressing their personality. Uniforms also can cause an undo financial burden. Parents have to buy uniforms for when students are in school and street clothes for when they are not. Angelfire. com says uniforms ultimately cost more. Students change into street clothes after school, and they wear them on weekends. During summer months, students will revert to traditional street clothes.Additionally, students will prefer designer street clothes when not in school. Therefore, parents purchase two sets of clothing, and many families cannot afford this. It is cheaper for the parents to buy only regular street clothes. Despite claims uniforms are worth a little extra money to eliminate issues such as bullying and social cliques, putting children in uniforms does not resolve social issues in school. It only treats the symptoms. ââ¬Å"Cliques will still form,â⬠and students will still make judgments on each other based on hair styles, height, weight, and odor (www. angelfire. com).The only true way to resolve such problems is to teach tolerance and appreciation of diversity. Instead of forcing students to we ar uniforms, educators should teach students how to respect and accept each other, despite their differences in body type, fashion, hair style, color, or any other thing that might otherwise divide the student body. This would bring an end to many social problems that develop in schools and also make students more productive members of society when they finish school. While schools hail uniforms as making school safer, it could cause a safety problem in the event of a security breech.In an event of an emergency, it will be hard to identify a certain student because they will all be dressed the same. Randy from youdebate. com states the following: ââ¬Å"I am totally against school uniforms! One reason, of many, is safety of the students. For example: During a natural disaster (God Forbid) Earthquake, Tornado, etc,â⬠¦ How would a parent i. d. their child? By the clothes that they are wearing, when they left home. What if a senior decided to attack a 9th or 10th grade student. How would the victim describe the attacker? Letââ¬â¢s see, Khaki Pants- Navy Blue Shirt- Brown Shoes. You get the picture.This was, is and will ALWAYS BE A VERY BAD idea. â⬠No school can prevent 100 percent of security breeches. ââ¬Å"It is impossible to prevent all outside intrusionâ⬠(angelfire. com). However, uniforms can make it easier for outsiders to enter a school campus. If an outsider is dressed in the traditional school uniform, teachers and administrators might overlook them as a member of the student body. Uniforms are touted as a solution to security problems when they actually can add to the problem. Schools have no valid reasons to put students in uniforms, and commonly cited reasons for uniforms are invalid.While proponents of uniforms argue they resolve social problems, they can contribute to social problems in that they take away studentsââ¬â¢ ability to express their individuality through clothing. Encouraging such conformity over individuality duri ng school years is a mistake. Also, parents have to shoulder the financial burden of buying uniforms in addition to street clothes, which they will also have to purchase. School districts may tout uniforms as a safer alternative to students wearing street clothes, but the uniformity can make it easier for outsiders to infiltrate the school and also can cause confusion in the event of an emergency.School districts present an impressive argument for school uniforms, saying they can decrease bullying, save parents money and heighten security. However, when the facts are considered, these arguments do not hold true. Preserving parentsââ¬â¢ pocket books and studentsââ¬â¢ right to self expression by allowing them to wear street clothes to school and teaching tolerance are a much better alternative to the conformity and expense of school uniforms.Works Cited ââ¬Å"School Uniform Debate and Poll. â⬠7 Sept 2010. www. youdebate. com. WEB. ââ¬Å"Arguments about Uniforms. â⬠7 Sept 2010. www. angelfire. com . WEB. School Uniforms Is it better to let things continue in their horrible condition or change them for the better? The issue of school uniforms has been argued for decades with many different ideas and no final conclusion. However, school uniforms would reduce some major problems such as the school districtââ¬â¢s budget problem, school bullying, and gang-related violence. The addition of school uniforms would benefit the school of San Jacinto High School. Californiaââ¬â¢s bad economy affects the school district and everyone in it.Hundreds of dollars are wasted, when parents and students buy school clothes, it would be better to buy more affordable school uniform. Many people fall deeply into debt because they overspend on clothes, but if school uniforms were made available, that problem would be eliminated. The uniforms could also be passed down from sibling to sibling if needed. Right now, the school is not even able to give teachers enough paper, it would benefit them to sell school uniforms to make some money.So why not just make school uniforms mandatory and save tons of money? Another problem that school uniforms would eliminate is bullying based on appearance. Every day someone is discriminated due to what clothes they wear. Some people can afford to spend money on nice clothes and some cannot, but people should not be harassed for it. Everyone wearing the same clothes would promote equality, something that schools desperately need at the moment. With fashion out of the way students could better concentrate on their studies.While school uniforms may reduce individuality, in the long run it would benefit those on the receiving end of bullying. Perhaps the best outcomes school uniforms would create is that of gang violence. Gangs usually identify themselves and other gangs by what they wear. However, if everyone happened to be wearing the same thing, it would be harder for gang fights to take place. In 1994, Californiaââ¬â¢s Long Beach Unified School District started requiring the use of school uniforms. In the following decade, gang violence and school crime in that area had dramatically reduced by 76%.To cap it all school attendance had even reached its highest point. More schools should follow their example and end school crime. The school district is now one step away from greatly improving school life for everyone. All in all school uniforms would greatly benefit the school district and everyone in it. Saving money, stopping bullying, and getting rid of gang violence and inappropriate clothing are definitely things the school needs right now. So donââ¬â¢t just stand there, make your voices heard and support school uniforms!
Friday, January 10, 2020
Improving Attendance in Statutory Education Essay
Under the Education Act 1996, the Council has a statutory duty to ensure children and young people receive fulltime, efficient education, which is suitable to the age, and ability and any special needs they may have. This is usually through attendance at school. The Education Welfare Service (EWS) is one agency which takes the lead role for the Council in supporting school attendance. It will do this through working with children and families, supporting schools and linking with other agencies including the legal system. The EWS will look at a whole range of ideas for why the children arenââ¬â¢t attending school and will look at solutions for this whether it be legal action or just working closely with all involved for example parents, teachers and the school. On the whole this is an extremely important agency which aims to get children into education and helps work out why they are not in education, however there are negative aspects to the agency as they may have to work closely with social services if the parents arenââ¬â¢t fulfilling there role and legal action may be taken again the parents arenââ¬â¢t fulfilling the responsibility although this is a negative aspect of the agency it is all in place for the overall well being of the child. Police can work with local schools and EWC, by undertaking local patrols to detect truancy and going to local areas where children may hide out. By having the police involved children and parents will be able to understand the severity of truancy and poor school attendance which is a positive outcome. This can then lead on to the Youth Offending Team (YOT) whose staff identifies school attendance issues and work actively to resolve them. The Council will work with agencies such as housing companies, Police, Connexions, YOT and voluntary organisations to develop protocols to identify children without school places. Overall these agencies are all there to help improve attendance in schools and all have the same aims, by working together with the school, agencies and organisiations the schools will be able to have the correct support in place for the children in and out of schools, parents and the teachers. The agencies are able to work out reasons for poor attendance and make sure issues are resolved. These organizations are here for a positive reason and to help children get the best education possible and cutting down on reasons for poor attendance. Explain the role of key individuals in improving whole school attendance. Educational Welfare officers- Once a child is registered at a school, it is the parents legal duty to make sure that the child attends school regularly. The role of Education Welfare Officers is to work closely with schools, children and their parents, and with agencies to make sure this happens. The educational welfare officers will work closely with these people to find out why children arent attending regularly and figure out soloutions to ensure this changes. If the parents fail to cooperate and the child does not return to regular attendance at school, the Education Welfare Service may issue a Fixed Penalty Notice or take legal action. Educational welfare officers can refer cases to other agencies such as social services, educational psychologists and health professionals. Ultimately their main responsibilities is to provide support to the children, the families and the school in all areas whether it to be advice on legal responsibilities, or building relationships between the school and the parents and making sure school attendance is at a maximum, if school attendance is not consistant then the educational welfare officers will look into reasons and solutions for this. Teaching Support Workers- Support teachers are in classrooms to support teachers in what they are trying to achieve, they are also there to help individuals who are in need of support when learning, Support teachers are able to give the individuals in need of help more time and focus to help them through areas of difficulties. Having Teaching supports workers available will therefore mean children will feel supported in weak areas and therefore more progress will be made by children which will also boost confidence. Children who are falling behind or children who do not understand specific areas of what they are being taught can become embarassed and withdrawn whilst lacking confidence this could lead to poor behaviour meaning suspension,exclusion,detention or missing school to avoid feeling embarrassed around peers. Having teaching support workers available will mean weak areas can be taregeted and help provided much quicker than just having one teacher in a classroom. Teaching support workers will be able to have the relevant training and guidance to help identify children who are struggling. These are people who are their to support children with any behaviour or learning needs. Headteachers- Most of the duties of a headteacher is managerial and to make sure the school is running properly whilst also making sure everything necessary is provided for staff and pupils. Head teachers will need to make sure specific training is given to identify children who are struggling, making sure there are policies and procedures in place and followed by staff to prevent bullying and equal opportunities. By making sure the children have the mose valuable expreience possible at school and working with children, parents and other agenicies to make sure everything is in place to keep attendace high, if children are struggling the support teacher are in place, if bullying is happening then this needs to be resolved quickly before the child becomes withdrawnand lacks confidence leading to poor attendance. The head teacher will be able to use educational welfare officers and other agencies to help find ways of improving the school and making sure all areas of a childrens welfare are covered and the child is offered the support needed to enjoy school and attend school attaining the best qualifications possible. Special Educational Coordinators- The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), in collaboration with the head teacher and governing body, plays a key role in determining the strategic development of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) policy and provision in the school to raise the achievement of children with special educational needs. The SENCO takes day-to-day responsibility for the operation of the policy and co-ordination of the provision made for individual children with special educational needs, working closely with staff, parents and carers and other agencies. By having the special education needs co-ordinator this will mean that full support will be given to children in school meaning the chilldren can work to the maximum and achieve the most out of school with the full support and help from the teachers. This will also mean that children wont be embarrassed because they cannot keep up or understand the work and should hopefully stop the children turning to negative behaviour like missing school. This will enable the school to give the children the best experience possible with the best possible outcomes and increased attendance therefore increasing grades attained by children. Explain strategies that can be used to improve the attendance of individual children and young people and whole school attendance Have an attendance policy in place make sure the children are fully aware of the steps that will be taken in cases of non attendance. Whilst making sure that parents follow the procedure for days that children are of sick. Keep parents involved and build relationships with the parents using head teachers and teachers so that they are aware of any problems that maybe underlying at school at the present time which my result in non-attendance. It is also vital to make parents aware of any positive achievements that their son or daughter has achieved. Support available, makes sure that any children struggling in specific educational areas are identified as quickly as possible so that all relevant support and help can be put in place to help the child in the specified area. The school can work in partnership with the educational welfare officer and the local authority to help target specific areas of need. Use rewards and incentives to encourage attendance and punctuality such as certificates for high attendance and increased incentive for the higher attendance and punctuality as the year progresses. Once a child has been absent from school make sure they reintegrate into the school positively. Making sure teachers check they are ok, provide any missed work and provide a support group making sure this is available to the children if they need to talk-for example counselors. Use attendance checks to keep on top of and monitor all attendance for children this will help to discover any patterns in non attendance and help the school find a solution to this quicker therefore benefiting the children. Raising the profile of attendance so if a child fails to attend sending a letter out to parents straight away to make sure they are aware of this or asking for a reason why there was no attendance if the attendance falls below a certain level. Schools can use newsletters and parents evenings to bring this to parents and childrenââ¬â¢s attention.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Issue Of Same Sex Marriage - 1434 Words
Marshall Macon Jr. PHI 2600 Ethical Issues Paper There are a variety of important public issues being discussed publicly today, same sex marriage seems to be one of the most trending of them all. Part of this is due largely to fact that a vast majority of minorities in the United States are dealing with it today. This issue, however, sheds light on a few areas, primarily ethically, family values, morals, religious views and beliefs. What we need to consider is what same sex marriage consists of, the challenges and living as such, and finally the effects it has brought upon the government and lawmakers. There is obviously a rising conflict regarding this lifestyle, and if we do not pursue in fighting for the right, this country will continue to fall. First, letââ¬â¢s take a look back at when marriage was established and how majority of America traditionally views it. From the book of Genesis to much of the New Testament books in the bible, marriage was designed by God that involves both sexes (male and female). It also talks that man has to leave his father and mother to cling to his wife (one flesh), as she is to be his companion and helper. Many people today, whether religious or not, still follow these ordinances that God put in place. Marriage is between male and female, not any other way. According to the New York Times, 56% of Americans today are married, and only 26% of households have kept the traditional couple married with children. In the world today, however,Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage984 Words à |à 4 Pages Homosexuality is hotly debated within the United States of America when it comes to the idea of same sex-marriage. Society cannot seem to agree about whether it should be made legal or no t. The views on this topic have been shaped by religion, by the 1980ââ¬â¢s AIDS period, and by so much more. Throughout the time homosexuals fought for their rights, had to go through life wondering if their friends would survive, to bring us to todayââ¬â¢s reality where even social media gives every individual the opportunityRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage966 Words à |à 4 Pagesstudies focusing on same-sex and heterosexual couples and the challenges they experience with bringing up children. The main focus of the articles is to draw on the conclusion on same-sex couples. When dealing with families of same sex marriages you must put into consideration how families are the same and different from traditional families. In today s society many of same-sex couples are confronted with social irregular characteristics which may cause many complex issues. The main point isRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1376 Words à |à 6 PagesLiberties/Civil Rights Issues November 19, 2014 Iâ⬠¦My chosen topic is Gay Rights- more specifically marriage equality. Public opinion in the U.S. shows the majority support for the legal recognition of same-sex marriages. This issue is more likely to be supported by women and people under 50. My thesis is that marriage equality a civil right, rights we are born with as a citizen of the U.S. which the government cannot interfere with or suppress. (Lecture Notes 8/27). Over the past decade, marriage equality hasRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage Essay1677 Words à |à 7 PagesEqual marriage has always been a contentious issue in society. The legalisation of same sex marriage in New Zealand in August 2013 via the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act has been a source of pride for those in some parts of our society and a source of horror for those in other parts. This issue split the country, and those in power, right down the middle, with some people taking sides that didnââ¬â¢t necessarily align with what w ould be expected of their political leanings. The issueRead MoreThe Issue With Same Sex Marriage1704 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Issue with Same Sex Marriage has been debated for over a decade and we have seen conflicts of concerns regarding the rights of homosexuals. Do they have the right to same sex marriage? First must look for the level of definition from the word marriage. We must first look at the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA), in which it states that marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman. On July 18th, 2006, the Congressional voted on the proposed Amendment that befell onto the House ofRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1286 Words à |à 6 Pagesrelationship that is ââ¬Å"morally rightâ⬠. When speaking on gay marriage, there are typically two views. To some it is just absouletly disgusting, and then to others itââ¬â¢s a beautiful thing. ââ¬Å" Opponents of Same Sex Marriage say marriage is between a man and a woman and anything else i s morally wrong( ââ¬Å"At Issue : Same Sex Marriageâ⬠) As a human being , whose right is it to tell someone who they can and can not love. Sometimes people may disagree with gay marriage on a spiritual level, but who is to say one personââ¬â¢sRead MoreThe Issue With Same-Sex Marriages1568 Words à |à 6 Pagesdebate about the issue of same-sex marriage. For many, it is one of the fundamental human rights to love and marry whomever one chooses. Others feel that this right should be ruled by certain moral codes and restrictions in order to maintain the basic moral fabric of Western society. Today, many critics who advocate for the legalization of same-sex marriage across the United States do so on the grounds of the fact that it will create a more equal and fair society. Same-sex marriage, or indeed simplyRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1711 Words à |à 7 Pagesyear. Same-sex marriage is a debatable topic that attracts many responses from those supporting and those opposing the issue. People who dispute gay marriage believe it is morally wrong, while gay rights activists believe that all marriages be treated equally. This dispute is put into several different lights including morals, family values and religion; and those of equality, constitutionality. Section 1: The first major law that affected same-sex marriage was the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)Read MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1664 Words à |à 7 Pagesconclusions which declare that every generation after the Salient Generation (1928-45) is more in favor of same-sex marriage. The primary component here is that ââ¬Å"younger generations express higher levels of support for same-sex marriageâ⬠(Mitchell). As far as reflecting the change in attitudes, the data shows that older generations ââ¬Å"have become more supportive of same-sex marriage in the past decadeâ⬠(Mitchell). In relation to Lewis and Gossettââ¬â¢s research, their research aligns in their claim thatRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage931 Words à |à 4 PagesThe issue of same-sex marriage is an extremely controversial topic within Ireland. The discussion reached its zenith on May 28th, 2015, when the predominately Roman Catholic Republic of Ireland became the first country in the world t o legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. Additionally, the issue divided the population of Ireland into two corners: those who were pro-family versus those who were pro-marriage. Pro-family citizens opposed the marriage equality referendum and the pro-marriage side
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